Modular mining construction
Architects construction and community engineering solutions

Concept Design
A detailed report is developed to assess site conditions including – site survey, Land Survey, building status and location. This research helps the architect to develop a conceptual framework in order to have a better understanding of customer needs.
First Drawing
It is a modification of a conceptual design that incorporates the necessary change. It is the process of making original drawings, sketches and models for customer understanding and acceptance. This section helps the artist estimate the basic costs based on the work environment.
Tent Permission Design
This is the stage at which the final adjustment is made by the artist from the client. Also help with obtaining a floor permit if needed.
Working Drawing
This section includes engineering supervisors such as Construction, Electrical, Sanitary and plumbing specialists to provide the necessary information that allows them to perform their special duties. This is a detailed drawing to do a project by hiring the right contractor for each job.
Working Drawing
This section includes engineering supervisors such as Construction, Electrical, Sanitary and plumbing specialists to provide the necessary information that allows them to perform their special duties. This is a detailed drawing to do a project by hiring the right contractor for each job.
- Construction Resources
- A sketch of a building
- Project Management / Project Monitoring
- Testing and Testing Services
- Community Building Works
- Water Construction Work
- Electrical service
- Road Construction Resources
Architects Construction Services
full compatibility of designers and engineers

- Site Programs
- Height
- Floor Programs
- Roofing Plans
- Roof Frame
- Window and Door Program
- Detailed and Category Views
The contractor uses a working diagram to calculate all their costs, labor costs and other costs.
On the basis of a working drawing all permits are considered in accordance with the required law.
Permanent Recording
The working diagram includes a permanent record of construction and design, with detailed specifications.
Legal Record
Performance drawings became an integral part of the official building and construction record.
Construction Services
Professional Performance of shed

- Some side of the house
- Grade Lines
- Roof features
- Ground Floor and Roof Completed
- Shelters, stairs and patios
- Locations and views of exterior walls
Modular Mining Construction
Farm Planning

A diagram showing the size of the pipe and the exact type of all the pipes. Plumbing and plumbing helps you to preview project details. Making a pipeline plan showing the location and connection of the piping and piping plan. Here is a list of pipelines needed to successfully complete a project:
- Normal Drawing
- Detailed Drawing
- Pipeline details diagram
- Water Waste and Vent Drawing
- Plumbing system
Modular Mining Construction
Electrical Drawing